All of us want to feel wanted. Certainly, no one wants to feel unwanted at least. One way to offset the feeling of being unwanted, as an adult, is to volunteer. Volunteers are always wanted. But it can be difficult to know where to invest your time. There are so many things vying for our attention and so much need out there. Consider All for Family - an organization that helps volunteers and families feel wanted.
Feeling unwanted is a reality facing many families within the foster care system in Jefferson County, especially the children. Oftentimes, a child is torn away from the only home they’ve ever known, then bounced from home to home in a process that can be confusing and disheartening. A good foster family can ease that pain a little, but their home is only temporary. It’s easy to feel abandoned and unwanted when you don’t have any stable familial figures in your life. In cases where reunification is possible, seeing the familiar face of a parent can be encouraging and nurture that feeling of still being wanted. Parents who are eligible for reunification want to do better for their children. Usually, there are barriers in their life that have made it hard for them to properly care for their children whether that be financial difficulties, mental health, or even trying to break patterns taught to them by their own parents. They can feel unwanted and looked down on by society. But who hasn’t had a string of bad circumstances in their life? Who hasn’t needed extra support every now and again? It’s important to give people a chance and a hope. That’s how society is supposed to work, after all. None of us would get anywhere if we didn’t work together.
Consider also that there are not enough families available for the children in foster care. All children deserve the love and care of a family. If their parents are working towards the goal of getting the family back together, then that goal needs to be supported. Children want to be with their parents if at all possible. Reunification can be the best thing for the family.
One of the requirements for family reunification is supervised visits. All for Family is a nonprofit organization that coordinates these visits at specific locations in Hillsboro and Arnold. This is helpful because parents can find it difficult navigating the process of getting supervised visits with their children.
Right now, All for Family could use your help. Volunteers aren’t just needed; they’re wanted. You are wanted. When you offer to supervise a visit, you help a family feel wanted, too. You help them feel wanted by showing them your compassion, by treating them like any other family you’d meet, and by giving them a chance to overcome life’s obstacles. You can volunteer as little as 2-4 hours of your time a month to this valuable service for families. Let’s help more families feel wanted in Jefferson County!
Please contact All For Family at info@allforfamily.net, or at 636-345-5222 for more information about becoming a volunteer visit supervisor.